Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Secrets to Great and Youthful Skin

Skin is susceptible to so many germs, dirt, and chemicals. It is also true you are what you eat. 

Sticking to a skin routine/method that is suitable for your skin is beneficial. Applying the correct products for your skin type can make a difference and certain natural beauty recipes for your skin can result in youthful and glowing skin.

• apply sunscreen/sunblock to your skin before getting exposed to sun. Sun exposure causes wrinkles and freckles and dark spots and so much more

• apply moisturizer( day or night) to skin after waking up or before going to bed. It nourishes the skin. Also apply all over body daily

• drink plenty of water because it cleanses out the skin 

• use an exfoliator ( once a week ) to remove all impurities and dead skin. It can strip the skin clean and give it glow

• remove all makeup ( if you have applied any sort if makeup with makeup remover wipes or oils) before going to bed. Sleeping with makeup on will cause breakouts 

• use natural remedies on skin for naturally beautiful skin

• pat towel on skin don't rub the towel because skin can scar easily and cause wrinkles 

• use a great acne product for any breakouts ( products with salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide in the ingredients work miracles)

• don't touch your face, ever! Touching and picking on pimples can cause loose skin, scarring, and breakouts because of the germs in your hand 

• cleanse your skin with a suitable cleanser to clean face daily

• exercise, yes exercise! Exercising can cause all impurities and oils to come out of the glands  ( through sweat) and then showering with cold water can wipe all the dirt away

• eat healthy because your skin absorbs what you eat. Stay away from oily and fatty foods ( they cause breakouts) and stick with vegetables, fruits and grains

• use cold water when cleaning your face  as it creates a glowy looking skin

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