Friday, February 7, 2014

Lip Treatments

I, for one, suffer from chapped lips. Especially during the winter time, the dry air creates chapped and cracked lips.

The best solution is to apply lip balm every time you experience chapped lips. Lip balms offer soothing ingredients for softer lips. You should also consider getting a lip balm with SPF in it so it could protect the lips from the damaging rays of the sun. 

The lip suffers decrease in collagen and lip volume over time. The lips age as well so we must take care of them. 

I suggest using a lip exfoliant to remove excess dead skin and smoothe out the surface. You could either buy a lip exfoliant or make one at home. Ingredients such as olive oil, honey, and sugar are a great natural exfoliating mix. 

As for soft lips, use a lip balm with SPF whenever you go out and a lip balm for nighttime as well. They come in different colors! 

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